Bee Removal in Action: Photo Gallery
Bees infested a water meter box. This is a common problem for many municipalities. Bee removal Davie, FL.
A colony is about 35 feet high in a ficus tree. When I moved close to the colony, they became so aggressive, they chased a sleeping raccoon out of that same tree. This colony was most likely Africanized. Bee removal Fort Lauderdale, FL.
A hole in an avocado tree that is about 10 inches diameter, it goes down 3 foot and is full of Bees. Bee removal Fort Lauderdale, FL.
Oops, look at what showed in the toolbox by the pool. A bee colony is about 3 weeks old. Bee removal Hollywood FL.
An infestation in the side of a wood shed. The honey combs are about 5 feet long. Bee removal Davie FL.
A bee colony fell out of a tree. The colony became too large and the branch could no longer support the weight. Bee removal Davie FL
Colony of bees in a brick structure. The colony was about 8 months to a year old. They filled all of the space inside with honey combs and were about to swarm. This was a relocation. Bee removal Fort Lauderdale FL.
The home owner went on vacation, when he came back he discovered bees took up residence in his trash can. Bee removal Pompano Beach FL.
This tree is a very old ponytail palm. The hollow was so large two small children could hide in it. The bees were relocated live to one of our bee farms. This job in Light House Point, FL took about 2.5 hours.
A live bee removal done in Coral Springs FL. They nested outside making it easy to relocate. Bee removal Broward FL.
A feed trough was stored upside down (shouldn't do that, always store containers up-right ) and the bees found their way in. Bee removal Hollywood, FL.
A bee colony on a tree limb. Africanized honey bees often choose tree limbs to nest if they can't find any other place.
A typical honey bee infestation in a soffit. ( we are looking up at it in the picture) People only see a few bees fling around the roof. Most people can't believe there are so many bees and honey combs until we open up the area exposing the nest. Beehive removal Palm Beach FL.
A bee removal was done inside the property owner’s bedroom directly above his bed. He had no idea they were there. Bee removal Miami FL.
Beautiful new honey combs with fresh new honey inside. This colony was inside of an arch around a window. Bee removal Weston FL.
Two newly formed colonies, one on a wall and one in a tree, were relocated to our apiary. In general, if you don't agitate the bees they will not come out to attack you. Bee removal Boca Raton FL.
Bees in a soffit. They went in about 5 more feet and weighed about 50 pounds. Beehive removal Pompano Beach, FL.
Bees hanging in a cluster. This is a new swarm and it is all bees no wax combs. Bee removal Weston FL
New swarm of bees. You can see a faint yellow vertical line at the bottom that is new honey combs. The bees where relocated. Bee removal Margate FL.
Large honey bee colony on the outside of a wall. This house had three more colonies and was unoccupied. Hollywood FL.
Honey bee colony inside of a dead coconut palm tree. When we cut it down it had broken open. Many times bees find unoccupied woodpecker holes in dead palm trees and nest in them. Fort Lauderdale FL.
A very large honey bee colony formed a nest on the outside of a wall. This colony was at eye level next to a covered kitchen window to the right. The picture was taken by just walking up to it. It is a good idea to check around your house once in a while. Coral Springs, FL.
A swarm landed on a sail shade about 30 feet up. This shade was in the middle of an outdoor shopping area in Pompano Beach, Fl. Africanized bees will land anywhere and make a nest.